A nascent nanotechnology division of an Indian chemical and pharmaceutical company wanted to create and implement a strategic plan for sales, distribution, and growth. The company aimed to double revenues and achieve profitability within 9 months. Situation The...
A European MNC’s subsidiary was under-performing. X-PM provided an interim CEO to optimize processes and fill critical leadership positions. As a result, the subsidiary’s key performance parameters improved substantially. Situation An Indian subsidiary of a...
Performance improvement for a New York‐based publisher of art and culture news, with numerous magazines and websites in multiple countries and languages. Situation The Client had multiple challenges. Their editors found it difficult to administer their websites and...
A leading French pharma company’s primary manufacturing sites under was responsible for the global supply of its pharmaceutical active ingredients, which were all used in key products of the Company. Situation The Assignment – Planned Plant Shutdown The...
A major construction company was facing major cash flow and morale problems, and had lost the trust of key customers. X-PM deployed a seasoned turnaround expert to contain the problem, which was threatening the stability of the parent organization. Situation A major...
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